Working From Home and Parenting? Here’s How to Make It Work


Image: Pexels


Being a working parent is hard enough, but when you add the challenge of remote work and childcare, it can seem like an impossible feat. However, with some planning and organization, it is possible to make remote work and parenting a successful combination. We have compiled some helpful tips on how to navigate this unique situation.

Prioritize Time Management

Managing remote work and childcare simultaneously can be challenging. Scheduling calls during nap times or times when your child is engaged in another activity can provide the best of both worlds. This will give you the opportunity to focus on your job without interruption, all while keeping an eye on your child for any signs of need.

Consider Hiring a Nanny

Having the budget to hire a nanny or sitter can be a lifesaver, especially when juggling both remote work and parenting. This additional help allows for a much-needed time away from parenting tasks so that you can focus on getting your job done without interruption. With a nanny or sitter providing child care assistance, both work and parenting responsibilities can be managed more effectively.

Create a Focused Workspace

Working from home with both remote work and childcare duties requires creating a workspace without distractions. Invest in comfortable office furniture like an ergonomic chair, laptop stand, or desk lamp so that you can focus on job tasks more easily. Find an area of your house with minimal noise disturbances to concentrate better when calls or other tasks require focus throughout the day.

Schedule Self-Care Time

With the demands of parenting and remote work, it is easy to become burnt out. Taking care of yourself mentally and physically should be a priority to prevent becoming overwhelmed. Consider investing in activities like online yoga or going for a walk around the block - anything that helps keep stress levels low - to help you stay balanced.

Get Fashionable and Comfy Clothing

For nursing moms who are managing both parenting duties and remote work at home, investing in stylish yet comfortable clothing, as well as comfortable nursing bras and T-shirts, will make life easier throughout the day when having to juggle between different tasks while still looking presentable during video calls with colleagues or clients. To save time, you may consider this online marketplace and stock up on nursing bras alongside your other baby essentials like diapers and wipes.

Improve Your Resume and Find a New Career

If you're feeling overwhelmed by trying to manage both parenting and work at the same time, consider looking for a job where these two roles don't overlap as much. Part-time or freelance positions may offer more flexibility than full-time jobs. When ready to apply, use free online template tools to create a professional and customizable CV and resume.

Declutter and Organize Your Home

Deep cleaning and organizing your home can help reduce stress levels which is important when managing both parenting duties and remote work simultaneously. Minimizing clutter and having an organized home can help keep your stress managed while adding plants and natural scents can create a tranquil environment. It’s also important to keep healthy snacks on hand and to have plenty of water available.

Find Time for Your Children and Value Bonding Moments

No matter how busy life might get, planning out your time with your children can help ensure they receive quality time and attention. This could include carving out one-on-one time together, like reading stories or spending time in the yard, as well as involving them in simple chores while you're busy working in the kitchen. To make things more exciting and fun for kids, plan new experiences for the whole family to look forward to.


Although parenting alongside remote work can be challenging, it is possible to manage both roles with proper planning and organization. Parents should prioritize quality time with their children while still getting other tasks done. By scheduling calls or other tasks during naps and making time for your kids, you can make this balance achievable.


Gwen Payne is a valued contributor to our OMB Blog. Please visit her website where you can find more great content.


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